
Monday, August 30, 2010

Kumpulan SMS SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H, SMS Lebaran, SMS Idul Fitri, SMS Ramadhan

Collection of SMS. Eid Greetings SMS 1431 H, SMS Idul Fitri, Eid SMS, SMS Ramadan. Wooow! fasting month of Ramadan is not fixed and are already underway over half way, shortly Lebaran, Idul Fitri soon, are equally celebrated a triumphant day Syawal 1431 H. Hopefully the real victory is a victory in the wash, the heart and soul of nature itself in reaching a peaceful soul soul .. hopefully!!.

Wooow! Start looking for beautiful words of love and affection for sending to the relatives, companion, brother and boyfriend and friends affair, hehehehe .. There was quite a collection of sms, sms sms sms sms Lebaran, Idul Fitri and who might be dicontek for you all .. safely perform fasting for Ramadan, we are beginning more and more serious time again in this blessed month. months a thousand months, hopefully we picked the best, greetings greetings greetings Peace.



Inilah kumpulan SMS Lebaran Idul Fitri 1431 H:

Kata telah terucap, tangan telah tergerak, prasangka telah terungkap,
Tiada kata, Kecuali “saling maaf” jalin ukhuwah & kasih sayang raih
indahnya kemenangan hakiki, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri


Selamat Hari …… ,
Marilah Kita saling mengasihi n memaafkan…
Ku tau kau telah banyak berbuat salah Dan dosa kepadaku, sering meminjam
duit n Ga ngembaliin, pake motor Ga pernah isi bensin, tapi tak usah
risau… Ku t`lah memaafkanmu. ..


” Sepuluh jari tersusun rapi.. Bunga melati pengharum hati .. SMS dikirim
pengganti diri… Memohon maaf setulus hati … Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin
.. Met Idul Fitri …


Sejalan dengan berlalunya Ramadhan tahun ini
Kemenangan akan kita gapai
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT
Kami sekeluarga menghaturkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


Andai jemari tak smpt berjabat,andai raga tak dpt b’tatap
Seiring beduk yg mgema,sruan takbir yg berkumandang
Kuhaturkan salam menyambut Hari raya idul fitri,jk Ada kata serta khilafku
membekas lara mhn maaf lahir batin.


Mawar berseri dipagi Hari
Pancaran putihnya menyapa nurani
Sms dikirim pengganti diri


Sebelum Ramadhan pergi
Sebelum Idul fitri datang
Sebelum operator sibuk
Sebelum sms pending mulu
Sebelum pulsa habis


Jika HATI sejernih AIR, jangan biarkan IA keruh,
Jika HATI seputih AWAN, jangan biarkan dia mendung,
Jika HATI seindah BULAN, hiasi IA dengan IMAN.
Mohon Maaf lahir Dan batin


Menyambung kasih, merajut cinta, beralas ikhlas, beratap DOA.
Semasa hidup bersimbah khilaf & dosa, berharap dibasuh maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri


Mata kadang salah melihat. Mulut kadang salah berucap. Hati kadang salah menduga. Maafkan segala kekhilafan. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1430H. Maafin ya.


Melati semerbak harum mewangi,
Sebagai penghias di Hari fitri,
SMS ini hadir pengganti diri,
Ulurkan tangan silaturahmi.
Selamat Idul Fitri


Sebelas bulan Kita kejar dunia,
Kita umbar napsu angkara.
Sebulan penuh Kita gelar puasa,
Kita bakar segala dosa.
Sebelas bulan Kita sebar dengki Dan prasangka,
Sebulan penuh Kita tebar kasih sayang sesama.
Dua belas bulan Kita berinteraksi penuh salah Dan khilaf,
Di Hari suci nan fitri ini, Kita cuci hati, Kita buka pintu maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir Dan batin


Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat.
Jika raga tak bisa bersua.
Bila Ada kata membekas luka.
Semoga pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Berikut ini adalah SMS Lebaran dalam bahasa Ingris Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin Selamat Idul Fitri

Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all of the three.
Happy Iedul Fitri.”


Walopun operator sibuk n’ sms pending terus,
Kami sekeluarga tetap kekeuh mengucapkan
Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir Dan batin


Bila kata merangkai dusta..
Bila langkah membekas lara…
Bila hati penuh prasangka…
Dan bila Ada langkah yang menoreh luka.
Mohon bukakan pintu maaf…
Selamat Idul Fitri Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin


Fitrah sejati adalah meng-Akbarkan Allah..
Dan Syariat-Nya di alam jiwa..
Di dunia nyata, dalam segala gerak..
Di sepanjang nafas Dan langkah..
Semoga seperti itulah diri Kita di Hari kemenangan ini..
Selamat Idul Fitri Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin


Kumpulan SMS Lebaran 1431H

Waktu mengalir bagaikan air
Ramadhan suci akan berakhir
Tuk salah yg pernah Ada
Tuk khilaf yg sempat terucap
Pintu maaf selalu kuharap
Met Idul Fitri


Walaupun Hati gak sebening XL Dan secerah MENTARI.
Banyak khilaf yang buat FREN kecewa,
Kuminta SIMPATI-mu untuk BEBAS kan dari ROAMING dosa
Dan Kita semua hanya bisa mengangkat JEMPOL kepadaNya
Yang selalu membuat Kita HOKI dalam mencari kartu AS
Selama Kita hidup karena Kita harus FLEXIbel
Untuk menerima semua pemberianNYA Dan menjalani
MATRIX kehidupan ini…Dan semoga amal Kita tidak ESIA-ESIA…
Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin.

Rangkaian indah SMS Lebaran kata-kata ucapan selamat idul fitri

Satukan tangan,satukan hati
Itulah indahnya silaturahmi
Di Hari kemenangan Kita padukan
Keikhlasan untuk saling memaafkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin


MTV bilang kalo MO minta maap g ush nunggu lebaran
Org bijak blg kerennya kalo mnt maap duluan
Ust. Jefri blg org cakep mnt maap gk prl disuruh
Kyai blg org jujur Ga perlu malu utk minta maap
Jd krn Mrs anak nongkrong yg jujur, keren cakep Dan baek
Ya gw ngucapin minal aidzin wal faizin , mohon maaf lahir Dan batin ..


Dia Pergi dengan bersahaja. Meninggalkan berkah & penampunan. Meninngalkan jejak pahala. Membawa mimpi surga ! SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin

Satu yang pasti dalam hidup: kita akan kembali kepada-Nya. Mumpung masih hidup Ayo sirahturahmi di hari yang fitri. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin.

Ucapan Lebaran lewat SMS Selamat Idul Fitri Rumah Islami

Masa aktif Hidup anda hampir berakhir, saldo dosa anda makin meningkat, di hari yang fitri ini raih kesempatan untuk meningkatkan saldo Iman. Isi ulang dengan sirahturahmi. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin


Terselip khilaf dalam candaku. Tergores luka dalam tawaku, terbelit pilu dalam tingkahku, tersinggung rasa dalam bicaraku. Hari kemenangan telah tiba, moga segala dosa & kesalahan kita terampuni. Mari bersama kita bersihkan dihari yang fitri. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin


Takbir, tahmid, tahlil tlah berkumandang. Memecah keheningan malam, mengantar rasa syukur padaNya. Esok pagi menyambut hari yang fitri, selamat hari lebaran 1430 H taqaballahu mina wa minkum, mohon maaf lahir dan batin


Menjelang Lebaran, Sebelum Sinyal Hilang, Sebelum Operator Sibuk, Sebelum SMS pending mulu, Saya mo ngucapin . Met Idul Fitri, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin


Tiada gembira yang menggelora, tiada senang yang mengangkasa, selain kita telah kembali pada fitrah dan ampunanNya. Taqaballahu mina wa minkum, selamat Idul Fitri 1430H, minal aidzin wal faizin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin

Ucapan Lebaran Bahasa Daerah

Cangkem iki sering nggedabrus, utek iki sering mikir sing elek. Minal aidzin wal faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir batin.


Beningkan hati dg dzikir
Cerahkan jiwa dg cinta
Lalui hr dg senyum
Tetapkan langkah dg syukur
Sucikan hati dg permohonan maaf
mEt hArI RaYa IduL fiTrI
TaqobbaLallaHu minNa wA MinKuM
Minal AidziN WaL FaidziN
Mhn MaaF LahiR n BaTiN “;)


Walau Hati `gak sebening XL dan secerah MENTARI. Banyak khilaf yang buat FREN kecewa, kuminta SIMPATI-mu untuk BEBAS-kan diri dari ROAMING dosa, kita hanya bisa angkat JEMPOL padaNya yang selalu buat kita HOKI dalam mencari kartu AS dan STAR ONE selama hidup, kita harus FLEXI-bel untuk menerima semua pemberianNYA dan menjalani MATRIX kehidupan ini… dan semoga amal kita tidak ESIA-ESIA.


Ramadhan membasuh hati yang berjelaga
Saatnya meraih rahmat dan ampunan-Nya

Untuk lisan dan sikap yang tak terjaga
Mohon dibukakan pintu maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1431 H
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin Taqabalallahu minnaa wa minkum


Sekalian saya mau mengucapkan
Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Bathin


Sayup terdengar takbir berkumandang
Tanda Ramadhan akan lewat
Ampunan diharap, barokah didapat
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


Bryan Adams said “Please Forgive Me..”
Rio Febrian said “Ooo.. Maaf, maafkan diriku..”
Ruben Studdard said “Well this is my sorry for 2004.”
Yuni Shara said “Mengapa tiada maaf bagiku.”
Elton John said “Sorry seems to be the hardest word.”
Mpok Minah said “Maaf.. bukannya saya ngak ngerti.. bukannya saya nggak sopan..”
I said “Minal Aidin wal faizin..”


Bila ada langkah membekas lara
Ada kata merangkai dusta
Ada tingkah menoreh luka
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin
Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1431 H


Ketupat udah dipotong
Opor udah dibikin
Nastar udah dimeja
Kacang udah digaremin
Gak afdhol kalo gak Minal Aidin wal Faizin
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum


Sebelum takbir berkumandang
Sebelum ajal menjemput
Sebelum jaringan over load
Ijinkan kami memohon maaf lahir dan bathin


The holy and beautiful Syawal will come soon
There is no word proper to welcome it
Except the word of pray and forgiveness
My Majesty if you forgive all my fault
And hope your worship accepted by Allah The God of Merciful and the Beneficent


Orang yang paling mulia adalah
Orang yang mau memaafkan kesalahan orang lain
Bersihkan diri, sucikan hati Di hari yang Fitri ini.


Bulan Ramadhan telah berlalu
Dan hari Kemenangan telah datang
Untuk itu mari kita bersihkan hati dan jiwa kita

Dari gelimang dosa

Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin


Berbuat khilaf adalah sifat
Meminta maaf adalah kewajiban
Dan kembalinya Fitrah adalah tujuan


Ramadhan telah surut
Hari yang Fitri telah terbit
Maaf kumohonkan
Agar hati bersih dari dosa
Minal Aidin wal Faizin


Let’s write all the mistakes down in the sand
And let the wind of forgiveness erase it away
Happy Idul Fitri, Minal Aidin wal Faizin


MATA kadang salah melihat
MULUT kadang salah mengucap
HATI kadang salah menduga
Dengan niat tulus suci dengan ikhlas
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin


Jika langkahku membekas lara,
Kataku merangkai dusta;
Lakuku menoreh luka;
Dari jeritan lubuk bathinku
Dengan ketulusan hatiku
Komohonkan maaf lahir bathinku

Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Minal Aidin wal Faizin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
1 Syawal 1431 H


Andai tangan tak kuasa menjabat
Setidaknya kata masih dapat terungkap
Setulus hati mengucapkan
Selamat Idul Fitri, Mohon maaf lahir & batin
Ridho Allah dan berkahNya

Menyertai hambanya
Yang saling ucapkan maaf
Dan memberi maaf
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H
Maaf Lahir Bathin


Ijinkan saya bersajak
Untuk LISAN yang tak terJAGA
Untuk JANJI yang terABAIKAN
Untuk HATI yang berPRASANGKA
Di hari yang FITRI ini, dengan TULUS HATI
Saya mengucapkan mohon MAAF LAHIR & BATHIN
Semoga ALLAH selalu membimbing kita Bersama di jalanNYA


Sepuluh jari kutangkupkan
Maaf Lahir Bathin kupohonkan
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Minal Aidin wal Faizin


Semoga kesucian hati
Tidak hanya untuk Idul Fitri
Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H
Mohon maaf atas kesalahan dan kekhilafan kami selama ini


Ramadhan akan berlalu
Jiwa bersih membalut kalbu
Dengan kerendahan hati
Mohon diberi maaf yang suci
Selamat idul fitri 1431 H
Minal aidin wal faizin


Sejalan dengan berlalunya Ramadhan tahun ini
Kemenangan akan kita gapai
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT
Kami sekeluarga menghaturkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


Tiada embun yang lebih bening selain beningnya hati
Tulusnya jiwa membuka pintu maaf
Minal Aidin wal faizin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin


Suminten wonten pinggir margi sadean kupat bumbune santen
Puniko dinten Riyadi sadaya kalepatan nyuwun pangapunten
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum


Mata bisa salah lihat
Kuping bisa salah dengar
Mulut bisa salah bicara
Hati bisa salah sangka
Di hari yang fitri ini
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


Jika aku tak memberi maaf

Bukan karena aku tak mau memberi maaf
Tetapi engkau tak punya salah
Maaf apa yang harus kuberikan?


Jika aku memberi maaf
Bukan karena engkau meminta maaf
Tetapi karena sepenuh maaf aku berikan
Setulus hati, seikhlas niatku
Meski tanpa kau minta


Jika aku meminta maaf
Bukan karena hari ini Lebaran
Tetapi karena Ridho Allah SWT
Yang telah membukakan pintu kejujuran hati nurani
Untuk mengakui segala khilaf dan alpa
Dengan segenap cemas dan sesal
Aku memohon maaf


Mangan sate sak gulene, sego megono bumbu kemiri

kapan wae lebarane, sugeng riyoyo idul fitri

tumbar merico kecap asing

nyuwun ngapuro lahir lan batin


Untuk sobat dekat

Aku sadar memang bukan teman yang sempurna untuk kamu.
Kesalahan dan kekhilafan. Selalu saja ada diantara kita.
Terutama aku yang sering ngerepotin kamu.
Met puasa dan Maafkan Lahir Batin.


eLu MeMaNg SoBaT gUe YaNg TeRbAiK
sAmPaI tErKaDaNg GaK kErAsA sEenAkNyA
gUe NgAtAiN lUe n NgEjEkIn Lu SeMaUnYa
MaAfiN gUe BuKaN mAksUd NgErEnDaHiN
jUsTrU kArEnA lUe AdAlAh SePeRtI
bAgIaN dArI dIrI gUe
MeT pUaSa Ya!


Untuk orang tua/ayah/ibu

Ayah dan Ibu sudah menukar seluruh jiwa
semata untuk kebahagian aku
Dan sampai saat ini belum tentu aku bisa
mengganti dengan kebahagian untuk Ayah dan Ibu berdua.
Selamat Beribadah Puasa, Ayah, Ibu
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
Ananda, Irwan di Jogja.


Untuk orang tua/ayah/ibu dalam Bahasa Sunda

Wilujeng Sasih Siam
Kanggo Apa, Mamah sareng Kulawargi di Bumi.
Neda sih hapunten samudaya kalepatan
nu dihaja sinareng henteu.
Mugia ibadahna salawasna aya dina kamulyaan.
Ti Deden, eNeng sareng Anggun di Jogja.


Untuk kenalan kantor/relasi/teman jauh/tetangga

Satu tahun tidak terasa
Ramadhan telah kembali kengunjungi kita
Semoga yang dilalui dan dilakukan
Menjadikan kebaikan di bulan suci ini
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin
Irwan & Keluarga


Untuk bos/atasan/ atau seseorang yang disegani

Matahari berdzikir, angin bertasbih dan pepohonan memuji keagungan-Mu.
Semua menyambut datangnya Seribu Bulan.
Selamat datang Ramadhan, Selamat beribadah puasa.
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin.
Irwan sekeluarga, Jogjakarta.


Untuk pacar

Semua yang kulakukan adalah untuk kebahagianmu.
Segalanya adalah untukmu.
Hanya saja aku bukan lelaki yang sempurna
selalu saja ada kata dan kesalahan
yang mungkin bisa menyakiti hatimu.
Selamat berpuasa sayang, terimalah maafku.
Bersama 1000 cinta, Aa.

Mungkin baru 90 hari kita berpacaran
namun tidak lebih banyak aku bisa
membuat kamu ceria dan bahagia.
Beri aku lebih banyak hari, bulan, bahkan tahun,
untuk dapat lebih membahagiakanmu.
Bersama bulan suci ini, kita rajut kembali
benang-benang pengertian diantara kita.
Aa, lahir dan bathin.

Maaf kalo selama ini aku suka bikin kamu kesal.
Jujur juga, memang aku gak gampang ngertiin kamu.
Tapi aku 100% cinta kamu.
Met Puasa, maafkan aku lahir dan batin ya.
I Love U.


Untuk istri

Ayah menyadari sepenuhnya masih banyak
mimpi kita yang belum bisa diwujudkan.
Ramadhan tahun ini semoga kembali
menghadirkan kebahagiaan ke rumah kita.
Selamat beribadah puasa ya Bu,
jangan bosan bangunkan tidur ayah saat sahur.
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
1000 Kisses, Ayah.


Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi.
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa.
Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf.
Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum…


Pergilah keluh, ku tak mau berteman dengamu
Silahkan kesah, kau bukan takdirku
Mujahadah adalah temanku, dakwah adalah nafasku,
dan Allah adalah kasihku.
Maafkan segala kesalahan.

Insya allah … amal ibadah kita diterima dengan mengirimkan kumpulan sms lebaran ini.

(1) Ageng inggilipun Gunung Reksomuko inggih kangge nyawiake netro, Jembar ombonipun segoro minangkalbu namung pangangen-angen manungso, Bayu ageng topan lan leysus ingkang sumilir menika namung osiking napas kito, Inggih namung Toya Perwitosari ingkang manggen wonten ing ati sanubari kang suci. Ugi saking ati sanubari kang suci, kawula hangaturaken sedaya lepat lan luput kawula, nyuwun gunging samudra pangapsami kanti lelo salebeting manah, Sugeng Riyadin Idul Fitri mugi-mugi Gusti kang ngakaryo jagad enggal paring Rahmat, Barokah, ugi pangestu, Amin.

(2) Kita itu komedian. Harus berani+jujur menertawai cacat&khilaf kita sebagai insan yang lemah di panggungNya. Dengan itu kita bisa bangkit jadi insan baru di hari yang fitri

(3) Kata Rumi, Makrifat itu rasakan api secara langsung, bukan meracau tentang asap. Anggur spiritual itu beda. Maaf lahir batin, Selamat Idul Fitri

(4) Suarakanlah namaNya agar kemerdekaan nyala dijalanmu. Met hari raya Idul Fitri 1431H, Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

(5) SMS Berbalas sambung:

Penulisan buku catatan ramadhan telah sampai pada halaman terakhir. Saatnya untuk menerbitkan sebagai anak ruhani. Selamat Idul Fitri. Mohon Maaf Setulusnya

Dan puncak kroniknya.. lahirnya jiwa suci. Taqabbalallah minna wa minkum, taqabal Ya Karim. Met idul Fitri 1431H

Semoga setiap orang percaya, sebelum menutup buku dapat membubuhkan sesuatu di buku, Selamat memaafkan orang yang menabukan buku. Salam

(6) Hari ini matahari tepat di atap khatulistiwa. Ia kehilangan bayangannya di bumi. Alampun ikut fitri. Maaf atas bayangan kesalahan saya. Salam

(7) Lima tangkai sedap malam:
Tangkai pertama, kupersembahkan bagi malaikat pemberi rahmat.
Tangkai kedua, terkirim harumnya bagi syuhada yang menegakkan tauhid.
Tangkai ketiga, kuulurkan kepada kaum yang bertahan dengan lapar atas nama iman.
Tangkai keempat, menjadi bingkisan untuk ibu yang melahirkan anak-anak salih dan salihah.
Tangkai kelima, menemaniku menyambut hari kemenangan.
“Selamat Idul Fitri, sahabat. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.”

(8) Ente itu gimana sih? Adam yg cuma berbuat dosa sekali aja langsung dibuang dari surga. Lha ente… yang dosanya seabrek malah berharap masuk surga… Tapi tak apalah, selamat idul fitri.

(9) Apa daya tanpa kesadaran diri mengikat luka seseorang dengan perban tapi tak tahu didalam luka tertanam sebutir peluru. Selamat idul fitri mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

(10) Bukan sekedar tradisi, atau basa basi, ini ketulusan hati, di hari yang fitri. Mohon dimaafkan segala kesalahan diri.


Orang Ganteng Orang Jelek.
Gue Ganteng Elo Jelek.
Lebaran dah Dateng
So Maafin Gw Jek

Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin


Koleksi Super Lengkap SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri (Lebaran)

Kata telah terucap, tangan telah tergerak, prasangka telah terungkap,
Tiada kata, Kecuali “saling maaf” jalin ukhuwah & kasih sayang raih
indahnya kemenangan hakiki, Selamat Hari Raya Iedul Fitri


Selamat Hari …… ,
Marilah Kita saling mengasihi n memaafkan…
Ku tau kau telah banyak berbuat salah Dan dosa kepadaku, sering meminjam
duit n Ga ngembaliin, pake motor Ga pernah isi bensin, tapi tak usah
risau… Ku t`lah memaafkanmu. ..


” Sepuluh jari tersusun rapi.. Bunga melati pengharum hati .. SMS dikirim
pengganti diri… Memohon maaf setulus hati … Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin
.. Met Idul Fitri …


Sejalan dengan berlalunya Ramadhan tahun ini
Kemenangan akan kita gapai
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT
Kami sekeluarga menghaturkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


Andai jemari tak smpt berjabat,andai raga tak dpt b’tatap
Seiring beduk yg mgema,sruan takbir yg berkumandang
Kuhaturkan salam menyambut Hari raya idul fitri,jk Ada kata serta khilafku
membekas lara mhn maaf lahir batin.


Kumpulan ucapan minta maaf Lebaran lewat sms

Mawar berseri dipagi Hari
Pancaran putihnya menyapa nurani
Sms dikirim pengganti diri


Sebelum Ramadhan pergi
Sebelum Idul fitri datang
Sebelum operator sibuk
Sebelum sms pending mulu
Sebelum pulsa habis


Aneka sms ucapan selamat Lebaran

Jika HATI sejernih AIR, jangan biarkan IA keruh,
Jika HATI seputih AWAN, jangan biarkan dia mendung,
Jika HATI seindah BULAN, hiasi IA dengan IMAN.
Mohon Maaf lahir Dan batin


Menyambung kasih, merajut cinta, beralas ikhlas, beratap DOA.
Semasa hidup bersimbah khilaf & dosa, berharap dibasuh maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri


Mata kadang salah melihat. Mulut kadang salah berucap. Hati kadang salah menduga. Maafkan segala kekhilafan. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1431H. Maafin ya.


Melati semerbak harum mewangi,
Sebagai penghias di Hari fitri,
SMS ini hadir pengganti diri,
Ulurkan tangan silaturahmi.
Selamat Idul Fitri


Sebelas bulan Kita kejar dunia,
Kita umbar napsu angkara.
Sebulan penuh Kita gelar puasa,
Kita bakar segala dosa.
Sebelas bulan Kita sebar dengki Dan prasangka,
Sebulan penuh Kita tebar kasih sayang sesama.
Dua belas bulan Kita berinteraksi penuh salah Dan khilaf,
Di Hari suci nan fitri ini, Kita cuci hati, Kita buka pintu maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir Dan batin


SMS Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 Hijriah indah

Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat.
Jika raga tak bisa bersua.
Bila Ada kata membekas luka.
Semoga pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Selamat Idul Fitri


Ucapan Lebaran Bahasa Inggris Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin Selamat Idul Fitri

Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all of the three.
Happy Iedul Fitri.”


MTV bilang kalo MO minta maap g ununggu lebaran
Org bijak blg kerennya kalo mnt maap duluan
Ust. Jefri blg org cakep mnt maap gk prl disuruh
Kyai blg org jujur Ga perlu malu utk minta maap
Jd krn Mrs anak nongkrong yg jujur, keren cakep Dan baek
Ya gw ngucapin minal aidzin wal faizin , mohon maaf lahir Dan batin

Taken from various sources, may set sms Lebaran / Idul Fitri greeting is beneficial for all friends, and can be deep at each other's Greetings, and back to fitrah. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cut Tari Minta Ampun

So deep remorse felt by the presenter 'Cuta Tari' for the mistakes which he did after having an affair with the singer 'Nazriel Irham' aka 'Ariel' to lead the spread of pornographic video involving both.

Therefore, at this year's Ramadan, Cut Tari ask forgiveness for sins he had done. "I always blame myself and I do not know what kind of raised myself," said Cut Tari at Pondok Laguna, Central Jakarta, Thursday (08/26/2010) night.

With regret very deeply, former presenter of infotainment programs that believe, the fault will be forgiven the Creator. "I learned that this fact should happen and I believe God is Oft-forgiving," said Muhammad Jusuf Soebrata's wife.

Cut Tari remorse for not enough just on the lips. He claimed to take advantage of the fasting this Ramadan as a time to start a new life and trying to keep introspective.

"Fasting is more tasteless this year really. I need to control my emotions, my thoughts neutralize. Surely there are people who do not know, what I feel," says this mother of one child.

Iwan Fals: Amerika "Mah" Lewat...

The legendary singer, Virgiawan Listanto or better known as Iwan Fals greetings, the more industrious just voicing environmental issues.

This is seen from ngabuburit concert with Regine Velasquez and the League which was held at the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ), Friday (27/8/2010), which carries the theme "Balancing the Earth League, Our Earth."

Male was born 3 September 1961 claims will remain optimistic in the healthful business environment. How, by trying to encourage people to protect environment. It begins from ourselves by loving plants.

"Because if we keep the trees and the environment, it could produce oxygen. Well, oxygen is very important for the future. So we should look after the environment. Actually maintain a baseball hard, just to keep it a difficult move," said foundation founder of the Indonesian People .

In addition, according to the owner of the album on title "keseimbangan", Indonesia could become a better country than the United States, provided that the Indonesians want to move a bit to process natural resources (SDA) in Indonesia.

"Actually if we are industrious little, American mah pass. The problem is baseball brave Indonesian people own way, indifferent play the wait-lampstand. Yes fuss about this," he said.

Doomsday dream, Marshanda veiled

Five consecutive days dreaming about the day of Judgement, Marshanda feel scared and then decided to wear the hijab.

"Actually, I was dreaming, but I do not know what to do, not because I had a dream of five consecutive days, it was a dream of Resurrection, just like the movie Armageddon, and I was so scared," the story Marshanda compensation when attending the event for orphans strays at the Hotel Sofyan, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (27/08/2010).

The girl who was familiarly called Caca was not initially cover the private parts consistent with the hijab. "I could exercise wearing the hijab to the mall, but then I had consistent. Pas June 12 (2010) that (after the dream), I became aware, really opened my eyes to be thankful for the God-given, really great love of God given," Chacha said. "The next day I wear hijab and until now Alhamdulillah she continued.

On the decision to close the private parts, lovers show host Ben Kasyafani will also be more selective longer accept bids acting in soap operas. "God willing, every soap opera I'd still wear the hijab. If I had to disconnect, I do not want to," she said again.

Wearing the hijab, Marshanda Will Auction Length Gown

After deciding the Muslim headscarf and dress, Marshanda which is a sitcom actress and singer also admitted that many of his old clothes again unused. Therefore, the soap opera lover Ben Kasyafani players are planning to auction off some clothes.

"The plan I want to make an auction and now again the preparation for it," said Marshanda when found in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (08/27/2010) night.

Marshanda confessed, that she should lose her old clothes are changing hands. "I also ask the former little sister dress me, sister I said 'love my, brother,'" she said mimicked speech of her sister. "Well, but to know how," replied Marshanda. Marshanda will use the money to charity clothing sales. "Later the proceeds to charity," said the virgin which it is familiarly called Chacha.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Michael Jackson turned on Through "Game"

More than a year after his death, an icon of pop 'Michael Jackson' heats up the new video game, among others, teaches his players to do the Moonwalk, rotates and shifts, such as the King of Pop's style.

Michael Jackson The Experience will be available in November for the Wii platform, Xbox, PS3, PSP, and DS (which is rated E10 + for ages 10 years or over).

Through the game, players will try to mimic as closely as possible the star of classical dance movements.

John Branca and John McLain, the estate administrator Michael Jackson, saying that they've been looking for a video game that displays relics of Jackson. Previous game, lux, which appeared early 90s, is about Jackson who have to dance to beat "Mr. Big" and save the children.

"Game was needed to unite the music and dance moves Michael into the most innovative technology," wrote an email from their spokesperson.

In the Wii version, players move about the wireless control to mimic the movements of dancers who resemble Jackson on the screen.

On the right of the screen there are wiggled directions along a remote follow the rhythm of your body rocking beat of the song "Bad," "Beat It", "Billie Jean", "workin 'Day and Night", "The Girl Is Mine", and hits other.

His version of the Xbox 360 using Microsoft Kinect controllers that follow the movement of players. Cameras on Xbox will project into the background in the game environment, all taken from Jackson's videos and concerts.

Control for the PS3 version will use motion sensor technology (In the Wii version, three additional players can sing along with dancers and players. However, their appearance will not affect the score). (ANT)

Kim Diperlakukan Istimewa, Hilton Iri

Paris Hilton did not receive when she learned that the "former" friend, Kim Kardashian, get preferential treatment when invited in an upscale party at Lavo, Las Vegas, August 13 last.

U.S. Weekly preach, Kim got a private jet facility for those attending a special event. But not so for Paris. This is what made him jealous. "Paris is very angry," said one source close to Paris.

"sHe does not believe Kim had a private jet, while he did not. And she's used to getting special treatment. Paris was very disappointed with Kim. However, 100 percent pure envy Paris to Kim," she said, as quoted from the site

"Kim did not just do what the previous Paris. Kim do it better, and everyone loved relative."

Paris who introduced Kim to the world of Hollywood to become famous as now. "Kim should be grateful to Paris. Parislah who gave her career as it is now," said the source. (ANT)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Eid Greetings SMS | SMS Ucapan Idul Fitri

Collection congratulatory SMS or SMS Lebaran Idul Fitri is a good idea in the share of now, yes Lebaran although still a bit long but not what is faster better? You just select which SMS Eid is good if sent to many friends on the day of Lebaran.

What's the point to send SMS Eid? Oh a lot, and of course the point is to forgive each other, especially for those of us separate the distance and can not meet directly. SMS Lebaran So this may, perhaps representing an apology and a sense of physical and spiritual miss each other. Oh, well below a collection of SMS Lebaran and 'Eid congratulations' is beautiful.

Tiada embun yang lebih bening selain beningnya hati
Tulusnya jiwa membuka pintu maaf
Minal Aidin wal faizin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Mata bisa salah lihat
Kuping bisa salah dengar
Mulut bisa salah bicara
Hati bisa salah sangka
Di hari yang fitri ini
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin

If I ask for forgiveness
Not because today Lebaran
But because of Allah SWT
Which has opened the door for honesty conscience
To acknowledge all make mistakes and negligent
With all the worry and regret
I apologize

Mawar berseri dipagi Hari
Pancaran putihnya menyapa nurani
Sms dikirim pengganti diri

Words have been spoken, the hands have been moved, prejudices have been revealed,
No word, Unless "mutual forgiveness" interlace ukhuwah & love, earned top
beautiful, real victory, Happy Eid Fitr 1431 H Iedul

Before Ramadan go
Before Idul Fitri comes
Before operators busy
Before you continue pending sms
Before pulse discharged
From the heart say 'minal AIDZIN FAIDZIN WAL

If fingers could not shake.
If the body can not be met.
When There is an impression word cuts.
May the door of forgiveness is still open.
Happy Idul Fitri

Waktu mengalir bagaikan air
Ramadhan suci akan berakhir
Tuk salah yg pernah Ada
Tuk khilaf yg sempat terucap
Pintu maaf selalu kuharap
Met Idul Fitri

Time flows like water
Holy Ramadan ends
Tuk-been There's one
Tuk err who had spoken
The door of forgiveness is always hope
Happy Idul Fitri

SMS Lebaran For Boyfriend

Semua yang kulakukan adalah untuk kebahagianmu.
Segalanya adalah untukmu.
Hanya saja aku bukan lelaki yang sempurna
selalu saja ada kata dan kesalahan
yang mungkin bisa menyakiti hatimu.
Selamat Idul Fitri sayang, terimalah maafku.
Bersama 1000 cinta, Aa.

Jika aku tak memberi maaf
Bukan karena aku tak mau memberi maaf
Tetapi engkau tak punya salah
Maaf apa yang harus kuberikan?

Mungkin baru 90 hari kita berpacaran
namun tidak lebih banyak aku bisa
membuat kamu ceria dan bahagia.
Beri aku lebih banyak hari, bulan, bahkan tahun,
untuk dapat lebih membahagiakanmu.
Bersama bulan suci ini, kita rajut kembali
benang-benang pengertian diantara kita.
Aa, lahir dan bathin.

Ramadan SMS - SMS Fasting Ramadan Greetings

SMS Ramadan - Ramadan is we've been through, we are in the habit of exchanging SMS Ramadan is a 'fast congratulations' to the relatives who live far away, friends relatives and colleagues. This is a form of joy to the moon is full of grace and forgiveness. SMS is very diverse forms, is in the form of prayer, physical and spiritual message of apology, rhyme, and humor SMS Ramadan. Here is a collection of congratulatory SMS Ramadan fasting: SMS for Ramadhan in english Language

Satu tahun tidak terasa
Ramadhan telah kembali kengunjungi kita
Semoga yang dilalui dan dilakukan
Menjadikan kebaikan di bulan suci ini
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

One year does not seem
Ramadan has come back to visit us
Hopefully that traveled and performed
Making good on this holy month
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan
Sorry spiritual and physical

Sun Remember God's, wind and trees praise exalt Thy majesty.
A Thousand Months All welcome.
Welcome Ramadan, Happy fasting worship.
Sorry spiritual and physical.

In humility there is elevation of reason.
In the property there is a wealth of poverty soul.
Life is wonderful if there is forgiveness.
Marhaban Yes Ramadan

Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi.
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa.
Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf.
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Go 'complained', I do not want to be friends with you
Please 'complaining', you're not my destiny
'Mujahadah' was my friend, 'Dakwah' is my breath,
and God is my lover.
Please forgive any mistakes.

Life is just a moment ..
mad minute, minute laugh
moneyed minute, minute Boke
happy moment, difficult moment
ooo ye soon fasting month ...
met ramadhan .. apologize for physical and spiritual ..

LOVE came without the expected,
'Compassion' arrival went unnoticed,
HEARTS say without a lie,
"The coming month of Ramadhan is Grace, let us welcome this MONTH with love and affection ...."

Sorry if I've been like to make you mad.
Are also honest, it's not easy I can understand you.
But I 100% love you.
Met fasting, forgive me, spiritually and materially, ok.
I Love U.

SMS Good Night for all - SMS Ucapan Selamat Malam

Here there is a little advice from us, this is a "good night saying" or "SMS Good Night." hopefully with the presence of this SMS you can be nice, so you can send SMS to your friend or boyfriend, for saying good night

Bintang temanilah Orang yg bca sms Q ni N jga lah ia Utk mLam ni 'n Seterus'y Selamat M;Malam Sayanx

ktika mntari tlah tengelam_trasa lmbat-y angin mlm_seakan kirmkan sbuah slam_mlalui glap-y nyanyian alam,, "SELAMAT MALAM"

Lepaskan letih lelah penat sepanjang hari ini. Nikmatilah istirahatmu.

Remove exhausted, tired, tired all day. Enjoy your rest

pejamkan mata jika mlm menyapa, seakan hati tenangkan jiwa, naungi mlmmu dengan mlm yang indah, smga mentari esk tmni harimu yang cerah..

qu krim kn bulan tk trangi mlm2 mu cinta q

sa2t mtmu t_pjam U kn t_jrat pd mmpi indhmu,tpi jgnlh trpku pd pd angan s_sa2t,krn Q hdr m_bri kebhgiaan abdi hax u/mu...GOOd nIgHt My LovEr

seperti pagi yg menepati janji,untk menyapa membuka hari,seperti bening ny embun memberi kesejukan,setulus hti q mengucapkan "good night"

sms ni untuk besok baca_a besok sabar ya!ye.di bilangin bacanya besok!Maksa banget C Terserah!tadinya mau bilang met pagi tapi jd met mlm

Go to sleep, forget about me, dream in your sleep with the stars

GaK aD Yg IstmWa dr SmS nE.
kU cm Pgn Blg Klo hr ud MlaI LaruT.
SaaTny TaRiK SliMut, SmbIl PluK BneKa MArmut Biar G Takut.
MoGa MimPi KtmU PerI ImuTNitE.....

Jk tLh EnGgan MataMu MnTp mLm,
PjamKnlah Dgn Lembut.
UcaPlah SlMt Tdr Pd SmEsTa,
Dan BayAngKan tTg MimPi INdaHYg Kan TemaNi LeLap Tdrmu
Hv Nc Dremz.nite..(^_^)

Wlaupun tuyul jd gondrong,sundel g lg bolong,gigi pocong mkin kinclong, Gendruwo udh jd bencong, tp ngucapin met mlm ttp bole donk!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Combine Files With HJ-Split

How to combine the results of fractional Hj-Split files (.001, etc. ..), can be done as follows:

* Run the program Hj-Split exe(no need to be installed), then the display appears as below:

* Then Click "Join"

* Then click the Input File and browse to the files combined (a file with extension .001 and the rest who will automatically be extracted, but make sure all the files .001 to .00 x is in the same folder).

* Click Start to begin coalescing.

* Please note time of going to join, the files will be detected only .001 while the .002 file and so will not be visible. But the .002 file and thereafter will automatically be joined.

HJ-Split Aplication can search in google or download here

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Paris Hilton Sued because Hair Extension

LOS ANGELES, - With allegations of wearing someone else's hair extension which is the production of a competitor, Paris Hilton sued by a manufacturer of hair extension on Wednesday (08/11/2010) Los Angeles time.

Manufacturer's hair extension, Hairtech International Inc., claiming that wealthy women aged 29 years has violated a contract to wear and promote their products, while he was actually wearing the product from their competitors in 2008.

Hairtech International Inc. sued 35 million dollars. The amount is 10 times that of Paris for a fee contract with the company.

In the file that claim, Hairtech International Inc. also claims that Paris was not present at a launch party for hair extension of their output when he should be languishing in jail in 2007. In the same file mentioned also that the company suffered a loss of 6.6 million U.S. dollars just for the launch party.

Phone and e-mails from the AP, addressed to a spokesman for Paris, Dawn Miller, had not yet received a reply on Wednesday. (AP/ATI)

Ariel Get Orange for Break the Fast

One hour before the time of breaking fast, Nazriel Irham aka Ariel gets shipments of orange plastic bag to break their fast. Fruit was hand delivered by three friends from the recording company Ariel shelter.

"Untuk Buka ni" said the man in black who was known to colleagues who worked on the management Ariel record company that, when met at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/08/2010).

Besides bringing a plastic bag of oranges, they also bring other plastic bag containing several brown boxes filled with food.

Not only friends Ariel from the record company was paying a visit. Ariel band's road manager, Ezra, also brought several boxes of fast food from the restaurant famous. Also, Ezra is also carrying two plastic bag containing the clothes belong to Ariel. Ezra, who was accompanied by a colleague, went directly to Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Body through the back door. (ANI)

Ariel-Luna Remain Confessing

Police confronted the two suspects would not cast a porn video, Luna Maya and 'Nazriel Irham' aka 'Ariel. Two Indonesian celebrity is caught in the case of porn videos circulating in cyberspace since last June 3, 2010.
Thus expressed the Head of Public Information Police Headquarters Kombes Marwoto Soeto, Jakarta, Thursday (08/12/2010). "I think Ariel and Luna Maya will not be confronted," said Marwoto. Because, obviously Marwoto, the information obtained, either from Luna and Ariel, are suitable.

According to him, they both do not recognize the ownership of two sex scenes video that was circulating in cyberspace. "They both do not recognize the video. So let it," he said.

He continued, Ariel and Luna's attitude will be taken into consideration the judge in court later. In fact, do not close the possibility that both can be exacerbated because the penalty would not admit ownership of the video.

"Usually if you do not recognize the act is not so burdensome the punishment the judge for consideration," he said. (ANI)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Kelly Clarkson Concert topnotch

Very satisfied Kelly Clarkson concert in Jakarta, 29 April 2010. Kelly looks very simple but his voice was extraordinary. American Idol champion Kelly's most excellent.

I really do not care to spend money Rp.500 000 to be prancing in concert Kelly Clarkson. Kelly's voice was excellent, although his appearance is very common.

But I like his style in wearing only a sock in that big concert. Kelly was wearing a black Pink Floyd T-shirt and jeans.

Dibawain songs are also okay. Especially fitted she sang 'Because of You'. No matter good voice or not, all sing along. Thank you Java Musikindo who brought Kelly Clarkson to Jakarta, waiting for another massive concert (Sender: Maria, Jakarta)

Mercedes-Benz Shireen Sungkar

Shireen car that crashed Mercedes-Benz
branded (Mercy), red police numbered B 3 UH.

Here's condition Shireen Sungkar car after the accident. Now, the car Shireen deposited in the house Teuku Ryan in the Way of Muhammad Khafi 1, Gang tools, Ciganjur, South Jakarta.

Shireen Sungkar, Just Can drive

Jakarta - Actress Shireen Sungkar that crashed on Thursday (08/05/2010) ahead of the midnight, was just learning to drive. She was actually not very well bring a vehicle.

"Got (SIM). Just so ya have not carried it well," said sister of Shireen, Zaskian Sungkar when found in Medistra Hospital, Jakarta, Friday (8/6/2010).

Spoken Zaskia, because the new baby can bring a car, drivers were hired. But somehow, before the accident occurred, Shireen told drivers to go home.

"He wanted to drive herself, he advised her recently could nyupir," she explained.

Shireen had an accident while going to move the location filming 'Love Fitr' from Persari, Ciganjur to Jl Muh. Kahf, Gg. Tools. Although the distance to the second location is close enough, Shireen driving her Mercy with a high speed.

"In the future, there is public transportation brake suddenly, in the end he hit. She panicked, she finally step on the gas again," Zaskia story again.

Previously uncle Shireen, Najib Sungkar denies that his nephew was called can not drive. "It could (drive) anyway," so the word 'Najib' while seeing Shireen in RS Medistra, Friday (08/06/2010) early days. (Eny/Eny)

Post-Accident, Shireen Sungkar Living Physiotherapy

Jakarta - The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to Shireen Sungkar has been completed. Bintang sinetron 'Cinta Fitri' must undergo a fisoterapi.

"A good MRI result. There are on the right shoulder injury, but already healthy kok. Physical therapy twice a week," said dr. Kiki Novito, Sp. Ot, Orthopedic Specialist who handles Shireen when found in Medistra Hospital, South Jakarta, Friday (6/8/2010).

Doctor Kiki said that if the health condition 'Shireen Sungkar' has gradually better. Former lovers Adly Fayruz could also have been active again within a week.

"Tomorrow may already be home. I check this morning she was very nice condition," he added.

Meanwhile, the younger sister of 'Zaskia Sungkar' was not allowed to lift heavy items. Shireen also asked doctors to compress the wound as often as possible in order to recover soon. (Ich/iy)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bands Korean | Korean Popular Songs List

Here are some grop band from Korea and a popular Korean song list

1. Dong Bang Shin Ki – MIROTIC
2. Super Junior – Miracle
3. Super Junior – Sorry Sorry
4. Dong Bang Shin Ki – Rising Sun
5. T-Max – (Dance Ver.)
6. Super Junior – Don't Don
7. Super Junior – U
8. Wonder Girls – Tell Me
9. FT Island – Love Sick
10. Baby Vox Re.V – Never Say Goodbye
11. Dong Bang Shin Ki – Holding Back The Tears
12 Dong Bang Shin Ki – Shine
13. Davichi – 8282
14. Super Junior – Endless Moment
15. 2PM – 10 points out of 10
16. Cheon Sang Ji Hee – One More Time, OK?
17. Xing – My Girl
18. Gee Girls' Generation – Gee
20. HowL & J – Perhaps Love
21. Wonder Girls – Friend
22. Se7en - Se7en
23. SHINee - Amigo
24. Big Bang - This Love (solo G-Dragon)
25. Big Bang – Always
26. Ah After School – Ah

Popular Korean Songs | Top Songs of Korea

List of 2010 Most Popular Korean Songs | Top Songs List of Korea 2010

1. Kim Kyu Jong (SS501) - Title: Confession (Superstar OST)

2. Rain - Title: Back To The Basic

3. Yesung (Super Junior )- Title: Cinderella's Sister OST

4. Brown Eyed Girls - Title: 2010 Brown Eyed Girls Special

5. CL & Minzy - Title: Please Don't Go

6. 2AM - Title: Even If I Die, I Can't Send You

7. T-ara - Title: Braking Heart (Repackage)

6 Indonesian artist who died tragically


(27 DECEMBER 1975-19 MARCH 1995)

Raden Rara Ratnadilla Kusnadi Nike or Nike Ardilla was born in Bandung, West Java, December 27, 1975 was the Indonesian rock singer and was dubbed the Queen of Rock Indonesia (Indonesian Queen of Rock) or a lady rocker. On March 19, 1995, at approximately 6:15 am Nike Ardilla killed in a single accident. Honda Civic metallic blue plate D 27 AK hit a concrete fence on the street trash RE. Inhale. Nike is estimated to have died instantly, but witnesses who were around the accident site said Nike had not died in the incident, new in Nike's journey to the hospital died.

Nike suffered serious injuries in the head and bruises on his chest. Nike who was with his manager, Sofiatun, just returned from a disco Polo. Negative issues surrounding his death among the developing states that Nike driving a car with a drunken state, but later denied the news hard by the family and key witness of the accident. Nike Sofiatun said only drank orange juice. Results A police autopsy report found no alcohol in the body of Nike. There was confusion about the time of death Nike Ardilla, according to witness the incident happened at 3 am, but other witnesses said the accident happened at 5:45 in the morning, official reports said that the time of occurrence is at 6:15 in the morning. Nike Ardilla was buried that same evening, escorted by thousands of fans and artists of the capital. His death shook the entertainment world of Indonesia, which mourned the fans until a few days after his death are still loyal Nike Ardilla was in residence.

According to a joint Atun Nike was in the car, on the way back Nike's driving by not using a seat belt. Nike car trying to overtake the red car in front of him who runs very quietly. But when overtaking, the car emerged from the opposite direction sped Taft, Taft Nike direct and avoid the car swerved too far to the left so that crashed into a tree and hit a concrete fence bounced straight in the bin in the office of Private Enterprises in the way of RE. Inhale, and Nike exhale her last breath.

To be sure, the deceased was not drunk because obviously if we drove non stop from Jakarta to Bandung via Bogor - Puncak - Cianjur (no toll Jln Cipularang) and came home tired from work, plus in Bandung have to meet teman2, it will override any fatigue despite seorg laki2, let alone seorg women. Good deeds received late Nike Ardilla GOD Almighty and all mistakes are forgiven GOD Almighty, amen. He died at the moment of peak popularity. Nike Ardilla is a singer, movie star, model, advertisement star and the most successful artists in all fields of entertainment. And in Indonesia there has been no other successful people in all areas of entertainment.

Although already dead but still productive Nike Ardilla out the album. Although his albums are still the same, just change the cover alone. Until now, Nike Ardilla has sold 30 million copies of albums during his career. And this is the most phenomenal sales and no one beat long standing Indonesian Industry show biz. During the history of Indonesian entertainment there, only Nike Ardilla the only artist who received the highest honor in which every date of his birth and death are always celebrated.


(9 JUNI 1966 - 11 JULI 2007)

Taufik Savalas was born in Jakarta, June 9, 1966 was a presenter and comedian from Indonesia. He was born as Muhammad Yusuf Muhammad Taufik bin Masri. Taufik Savalas name taken from the name of a Greek actor who admires, Telly Savalas (Kojak Detective actor). Before the accident that claimed his life in Purworejo, Taufik also never had an accident at-Merak Toll Road Tomang KM 15 on February 27, 2003. When it Taufik Peugeot 206 driving a personal car after the shooting event at Studio Penta sold well, Kebon Jeruk, to escort his sister. After that, at around 1:00 pm Taufik continuing the journey to his home in Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang. In a quiet state of the vehicle reached a speed boost Taufik 120-130 km / hr. His view was obstructed due to the water splashed windshield. This makes Taufik panic and can not control the vehicle. Drove his vehicle to hit the zig-zag path delimiter. Taufik survived the accident.

On July 11, 2007, Taufik Savalas died at the age of 41 years in a traffic accident in Bagelen, Purworejo, Central Java. At that time, he wanted to Purbalingga to carry out duties as ambassador of one of the health soap products. However, Toyota Kijang Capsule numbered B 2089 QH police who took him from Yogyakarta to Purbalingga, collided with a cement-laden truck. And his head stuck.

With his departure he is survived by his wife, Rina Rosdiana and two children, Moch Adinda Abizard and Fatima. He was buried in the Cemetery in the village of Sacred Tengkele Karundang, Cipocok Jaya subdistrict, Serang, Banten. The family asked Taufik was buried in the grounds where there ancestors are buried in the cemetery.

(19 SEPTEMBER 1970-8 FEBRUARY 1997)

Ryan Hidayat was born in Jakarta, 19 September 1970. Ryan Hidayat is an Indonesian film actor. The late famous thanks to his role in the movie Lupus. Never become a star video clip "My heart's voice" owned Nike Ardila. The deceased died of a drug overdose on February 8, 1997.

(23 NOVEMBER 1982-12 DECEMBER 2006)

Alda Risma Elfariani/Alda bint A Farid R was born in Bogor, West Java, November 23, 1982 was a singer and actress of Indonesia. Women's 160 cm bertinggi body is popular mainly through the song I'm Not Normal. He has also collaborated with the boyband "Code Red". Dated December 12, 2006 Alda found dead disebuah hotel room. Her whole body is filled with the injection. Alda allegedly died of an overdose. But according to further analysis, Alda's death called murder committed by Ferry Surya Prakasa (sister in law a sitcom actress Ferry Salim).

(26 APRIL 1944-17 MAY 2008)
Sophan Sophiaan born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, 26 April 1944. One of the senior actor, director and politician Indonesia. His father, Manai Sophiaan, is a prominent Indonesian politician who once served as ambassador in Russia.
Sophan a Muslim married to a senior Indonesian actress, Widyawati and has two children: Roman & Romi. After a lot of doing business in the world of cinema, Sophan plunged into politics and had been active in the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Sophan died on May 17, 2008 in a motorcycle accident in Ngawi, East Java.

(26 SEPTEMBER 1984-23 DECEMBER 2006)

Adi Firansyah was born in Jakarta, 26 September 1984. The late actor and star of sinetron Indonesia and high 182 cm Muslim. He died on Saturday evening, dated December 23, 2006 in the area-Cikunir Hankam, Bekasi because of a severe motorcycle accident. He was divorced from his wife in September 2005 and has one daughter named Chavia Zagita Firansyah. Her father was long dead after a divorce from her mother. Adi was buried in the TPU Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta. Adi's death make the family, fans and close friends sad. All soap operas starring Adi produced by Multivision Plus.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Annisa Pohan Back to U.S.

Artist Annisa Pohan will go again to the United States (U.S.) to accompany her husband, Captain (Int) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

Annisa plans to leave after celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. Along with the celebration of RI's Annisa also wanted to celebrate the second anniversary of his daughter, Almira Tunggadewi familiar Yudhoyono called Aira.

"God willing, we went back to the U.S. in this month because Mas Agus had to complete his education there.

While waiting for departure, in addition to commemorating the
HUT RI, also wanted to celebrate the birthday of Aira with his grandparents, "said Annisa when found at Pantene event in Grand Indonesia, Tanahabang, Central Jakarta, Monday (2/8) night.

Aira also trafficked into the United States because of Annisa want to educate their children while assisting her husband. (Kin)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Expression of Love in Foreign Language

In the case of romance, must use words so often spoken to express the feeling of love, in English, I Love You. If you feel bored with these words, you can only use words of love in other foreign languages.

Here there are 100 words "I love you" in 100 different languages. Hope you can generate a good impression in your lovemaking. Eits, make no mistake. This is not a collection of poems in English, is different again. This is just the words "I Love U 'in various languages. Do not misunderstand the article?

You can also use other love seduction, like a rag or an SMS message of love that you can use after the greeting of love in this foreign language.

English – I love you
Afrikaans – Ek het jou lief
Albanian – Te dua
Arabic – Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic – Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian – Yes kez sirumen
Bambara – M’bi fe
Bangla – Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian – Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya – Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian – Obicham te
Cambodian – Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese – Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan – T’estimo
Cheyenne – Ne mohotatse
Chichewa – Ndimakukonda
Corsican – Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol – Mi aime jou
Croatian – Volim te
Czech – Miluji te
Danish – Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch – Ik hou van jou

Esperanto – Mi amas vin
Estonian – Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian – Afgreki’
Faroese – Eg elski teg
Farsi – Doset daram
Filipino – Mahal kita
Finnish – Mina rakastan sinua
French – Je t’aime(to male), Je t’adore(tofemale)
Gaelic – Ta gra agam ort
Georgian – Mikvarhar
German – Ich liebe dich
Greek – S’agapo
Gujarati – Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon – Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian – Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew – Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew – Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon – Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi – Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong – Kuv hlub koj
Hopi – Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hok kian – wa ai lu
Hungarian – Szeretlek
Icelandic – Eg elska tig
Ilonggo – Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian – Saya cinta padamu
Inuit – Negligevapse
Irish – Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian – Ti amo
Japanese – Aishiteru
Kannada – Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan – Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili – Nakupenda
Konkani – Tu magel moga cho
Korean – Sarang Heyo
Latin – Te amo
Latvian – Es tevi miilu
Lebanese – Bahibak
Lithuanian – Tave myliu
Malay – Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam – Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese – Wo ai ni
Marathi – Me tula prem karto
Mohawk – Kanbhik
Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl – Ni mits neki
Navaho – Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian – Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan – Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan – Inaru Taka
Papiamento – Mi ta stimabo
Persian – Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin – Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish – Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese – Eu te amo
Romanian – Te ubesk
Russian – Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic – Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian – Volim te
Setswana – Ke a go rata
Sindhi – Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux – Techihhila
Slovak – Lu`bim ta
Slovenian – Ljubim te
Spanish – Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili – Ninapenda wewe
Swedish – Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German – Ich lieb Di
Tagalog – Mahal kita
Taiwanese – Wa ga ei li
Tahitian – Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil – Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu – Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai – Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai – Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish – Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian – Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu – mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese – Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese – Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh – ‘Rwy’n dy garu
Yiddish – Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba – Mo ni fe

Free Download Collection Songs Ramadan 2010

Free Download Collection Songs Ramadan 2010 - It's certainly a lot to look forward to the song just before ramadan 2010. This moment must be used for artists to create nuanced songs Islamic. Yes, although once a year, at least there are still among those who realize the importance of fasting for Ramadan. Are now widely found in 2010 ramadan songs from different singer from Indonesia. Whether they were originally homage to pop, rock, dangdut like Keong Racun youtube or the other. Clear if ramadan comes, they certainly create an Islamic songs.

Call it Ungu, Peterpan, Gigi, Coklat etc.. They've released a special album 'songs ramadan 2010' which is now you can enjoy. We hope only hope for this Ramadan in 2010 could be a moment of revival of Islam in Indonesia which incidentally is the largest Muslim population in the world. And hopefully they are the artists not only create a song exclusively for business purposes but also realizes the importance of Ramadan and remember the creator.

>Please for those who want to download songs for Ramadan in 2010 to take the following:

AB Three - Sujudku
Gigi - Rinduku cintamu
Gita Gutawa - Jalan Lurus
Opick - Ramadhan Tiba
Ungu -  Sembah sujudku

Ramadan Fasting Schedule 2010

Not felt in a minute we will meet again with Ramadhan 2010. Various kinds of things we are preparing to welcome the holy month full of grace. Starting from the preparation itself, correct faith, more and more worship to prepare for this 2010 fasting schedule.

Ramadhan schedule is very important indeed for us all. I think even more important than news redenominasi rupiah function is so that we know what time our meal and what time we break the fast. Because we know when fasted, scheduled to open the meal and gradually the longer it or retreat. In addition to these fasting schedule there may be some friends who downloaded the latest 2010 ramadan song huh?

That's what I try to share among friends in this 2010 fasting schedule. Hopefully with the schedule of ramadan in 2010 was later on we will not be late meal and not break the fast trigger. Please feel free to those wanting to know the schedule for the download link below. Hopefully useful.

* Schedule Fasting Ramadan 1431 H To Jakarta area here
* Schedule Imsakiyah Ramadan Fasting 1431 H - for the Surabaya area here
* Schedule Fasting Ramadan 1431 H - For the Yogyakarta region here
* Schedule Imsakiyah Ramadan Fasting 1431 H - For the Jambi area here
* Schedule Imsakiyah Romadlon 1431 H - To Medan area here
* Schedule Imsakiyah Ramadan 1431 H - For the Bandung area here

Dewi Persik be a bone of contention

Heart of dangdut singer Dewi Persik are flowery. The reason, ex-wives 'Saipul Jamil' and 'Aldi Taher', it is being fought over by two gorgeous men at once. Who are they? sinetron player Dimas Seto and Mike Lewis, the husband of Tamara Bleszynski.

"The story I got two guys struggle, the players Dimas Seto and Mike Lewis. I just loved these two guys together," said Dewi met in Jakarta on Monday (08/02/2010).

In her latest film, 'Goddess' ensure there is no vulgar scenes. He said the comedy genre of filmmaking is to provide knowledge to the general public about the lives of celebrities.

"Kissing scenes are not there, naked as well not exist because of this great comedy. We want to give knowledge to the layman, that a celebrity does not always like that," the story.

Dewi Persik confessed, he had already requested permission from the boss of the Republic Cinta Management (RCM), Ahmad Dhani to play movies. Dhani also quite allow her and gave her a singing schedule. "Yesterday I said, 'Mas (Dhani) I want to play movies dong, Mas'. So, yesterday I was given the same schedule mas Dhani singing you come here, over here ya," she said. (ANI)

Dewi Cinta Diberondong 15 Pertanyaan

Dewi Cinta confessed to throw in a number of questions by the police regarding cases of alleged embezzlement of Rp 100 million, made by designer Adjie Notonegoro on Monday (02/08/2010).

"Today I just had a news event inspection (BAP). Earlier in the review for one hour with 15 questions," said Dewi when found after examination at Polda Metro Jaya.

In this examination, which presents expert witness, admitted Dewi that she throw by many questions about her business relationship with the beginnings of Adjie. "Inside I was asked about a business relationship to Mas Adjie, how to get to know, how the money could be transferred," said Dewi.

With these tests, Dewi claimed no trepidation in the face of leadership in law enforcement. "I believe in the legal process in Indonesia, although the 'Mas Adjie' many acquaintances. I just want my money back, close Dewi. (FAN)