Steve Jobs is: Patients with pancreatic cancer, just like actor Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer in September 2009. Here is a little about pancreatic cancer who quoted from Sol Goldman, John Hopkins Medical Center and WebMD. This article is part of the book Fat Loss Weight Loss DIABETES notes which will be released shortly. Diabetes is associated with the pancreas.
Another thing that attracted me to share the coincidence is that I learned marketing, so it is quite familiar figure of Steve Jobs, though not a Apple user. Steve Jobs's health was observed to be interesting, because the stock price of Apple shares Steve's health is influenced by rumors.
For example, when Steve did not seem healthy at a MacWorld show in 2009, Steve said he "was in a hormonal imbalance". Then when he announced it will undergo maintenance, Apple's stock price fell. Every time a rumor circulated, whether genuine or fake about Steve's health, then the share price will fall.
Steve Jobs is known pancreatic cancer. And the following is a general idea of pancreatic cancer.
The pancreas is a gland that shaped tube, about 15 cm which is located at the back of the abdomen. The main task for the human body produces an enzyme that helps adalh intestines break down food, and produce the hormone insulin, which helps blood sugar regulation.
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death of both men and women and is one of the most deadly cancers, also known in medical circles as the "silent killer" America 38,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and 34,000 of them will die of it.
This cancer can be treated if in fact discovered in the early stages of cancer but the problem is difficult to diagnose early stage. In the early stages of cancer do not feel any symptoms. However, along with the magnitude of the growth of cancer, then it will feel pain in your upper abdomen that spreads to the back left.
The pain becomes when people affected by cancer eating or lying down. Another symptom that appears is the alias of yellow jaundice. Ability to survive for 5 years is 25 percent if the cancer surgery and was appointed as a child and has not spread.
Anyone who is at greatest risk for pancreatic cancer? The following are the factors that influence the incidence of
pancreatic cancer:
1. Heredity. If there are 2 or more relatives who suffer from pancreatic cancer.
2. Ashkenazi Jewish descent
3. BRCA mutations
4. Age above 50 years
5. Heavy smokers.
6. Diabetes
7. Others, such as chronic liver disease, obesity, lack of exercise.
The first three factors mentioned above is that most can not be controlled. Yet a fourth factor that aging is not controllable, because the chronological age of the person continues to grow. However, the age of the body can be restored. One way is to conduct a comprehensive hormone therapy.
The fifth factor is smoking is a factor which I give special attention. According to John Hopkins, smoking is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, and as we know, cigarette consumption in this country is enormous. Requires attention to all the people in Indonesia, that due to smoking is more than just lung cancer.
Premature deaths resulting from smoking is to worry about. Premature death means the loss of valuable talent that needed a very expensive enterprise, institution, organization in this country to move forward.
The sixth factor is diabetes. Patients with pancreatic cancer, 10-20 percent are diabetic. Diabetes is a risk that can fakor in "managed" with a healthy lifestyle. Key words diabetes is heredity, and lifestyle. Heredity certainly can not be changed, but the lifestyle can always be modified.
Several risk factors for diabetes is the originator of an overdose of sugar which causes fatigue pancreas, and foods rich in fat, especially trans fats found in palm oil, and sold at various fast food. Consumption of both the "back up" by monosodium glutamate, aka MSG, which reinforces a sense.
However, if you want to trace a bit, we need to think critically, what motivates people to become like the food, which eventually lead to diabetes.
One is the stress (suitable for the condition of
Steve Jobs), either in the form of job stress, stressful romantic relationships, financial stress. One solution is to actually find a solution to this stress, teaches new healthy lifestyle. That is, who needs to be changed is mindsetnya, demonstrated a new way, and given examples of how to do it.
All companies, organizations, ionstansi, should make healthy living training mindset changes. Because if negligent, could make an impact for the overall team strength, especially if the affected are executives in high positions such as Steve Jobs.
Either smoking or diabetes, to change lifestyle, it takes more than just an appeal. But the need of conditioning. Because it takes is a change in mindset. Changes in behavior, which has been heralded, will not give any results without a change in mindset. The change means changing the subconscious mindset that needs special techniques to do it. Not just an appeal. Should be standard procedure. Part of the obligation.
If the organization still wants changes to improve performance, it's time to corporate health strategy to be one competitive advantage that is applied in the company. Changing the mindset, change the behavior so change the results. Thus, we can reduce the risk of premature loss of talented people like Steve Jobs of Apple lost.
* Dr L Toruan Phaidon, health practitioners and observers. For those who are interested in living more healthy, to be reminded every day, please join my healthy tips every day, follow @ PhaidonToruan. Healthy Regards!