Discussion on the behavior of a group of people (such as wakil rakyat, Tante Lisa), empathy for the marginalized groups (eg, siang seberang istana, Lonteku), or the big disaster that demage Indonesia (or sometimes outside Indonesia, such as Ethiopia), dominate theme songs bring it on. Iwan Fals not only sing the song that creat by him self but also a number of others.

Iwan fals who also had active in sports, ever reaching the degree of Karate Champion in Nasional of II level. Level IV National Champion of Karate 1989, was signed in pelatnas and practice karate in the campus, STP (Hight School of Publisistik). Iwan fals also had become a columnist in several sports tabloids.
Iwan Fals charisma are very large. He is adored by the 'grass roots'. Kesederhanaan nya menjadi panutan para penggemar nya yang tersebar diseluruh nusantara. The fanatical of Iwan Fals fan even establish a foundation on 16 August 1999, called the Foundation for People of Indonesia or known to the ordinary appeal Oi.
This foundation to accommodate the activities of the fans of Iwan Fals. Until now Oi branches can be found every corner of the archipelago and some even up to the world.
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