Anda ingin tahu bagaimana rancangan sepeda motor masa depan? kalau jawaban anda iya, silakan baca terus media berikut ini, semoga bermanfaat
Mach Ness
Arlen Ness motorcycle manufacturers create this metal monster powered by a gas-turbine engine helicopter. The outer layer of aluminum with the rivet-rivet reply conspicuous size makes it very unique that will not be obtained from carbon fiber and plastic. shape is formed entirely by hand, which makes this new bike is difficult to enter mass production line.

Icare Bike Concept
When referring to the design for the motor Batman, it was probably the closest. ICare is not only a super cool concept, but also a concrete design that can be made. Honda engines are powered by 6 cylinder 1.8 liter capacity with two exhauts. We have still not certain to mass produced or not.

Jaguar M-Cycle

His name was not shown in terms of speed. This is more to the actual meaning. Jaguar Concept by M-Cycles is inspired from the form of the logo of the manufacturer Jaguar. Almost 2.5 meters in length with ebony lacquered fiberglass feature iron over steel.
Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle

The Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle probably the only bike in this list that is not really technically a motorcycle. Viper V-based motor-10, these vehicles have a powerful 500 HP engine and 4 wheels. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, no matter who had more than 3 wheels can not be categorized as a motorcycle. This makes it also difficult to mass produced. Unfortunately indeed, when the monster this one is just a machine with a wheel that provide great strength of our legs.
Ferrari V4 Motorcycle Concept
If Ferrari makes the motor, you can imagine is a reference kalo car. Designer Amir Glinik create this motor with hollow body and the angle of the spirit of Ferrari, which combines aesthetics and performance. Ferrari V4 concept is to adapt the control jet fighters F-16 and the buttons from a Formula-1 car.

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