
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cut Tari Suggested Fulfill Police Calls

JAKARTA - The three artists who are allegedly involved in a video nasty which Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari called 'Police Criminal Investigation Body'. By legal counsel, Cut Tari asked to meet the call.

"If called to the police, I do not know because I have not received a summons police to 'Cut Tari'. But as a legal practitioner, I suggest that Cut Tari filled Police calls just for the sake of truth.

Whatever it is, this time much further investigation needs to know the truth , "said Tari attorney, Malik Bawazier, who contacted okezone, Wednesday (06/09/2010) night.

Malik believes that his client was just a victim of the irresponsible behavior of people who spread the video.

"They were just victims. What to look for is his criminal cyber crime. In ITE Law number 27 states that criminals cyber crime was the disseminator and distributors," explained husband of Cut Keke.

Even if the video was proven correct later starred Cut Tari, Luna Maya, and Ariel, they will not be subject to criminal sanctions. Sanctions for those who are most heavily is the moral punishment from society.

"If they make the video, it's something that privacy and not a criminal. So in my opinion, Cut Tari need not fear. Yet they are victims. It takes a long process. Need valid evidence that expert opinion must be tested to 100 percent authentic expert and authentic, "he explained.

'Malik' still be waiting for agreement from telematics expert on the authenticity of the actors in the video nasty. "The trouble with IT experts with one another is not necessarily equal results. Now just investigator who must prove its validity," challenged Malik.

As reported, the Police Criminal Investigation Body to intervene to handle circulation of pornographic videos like Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari. Police investigators have been casting a summons to the three of them.

Police expect all three to cooperate because they will only be asked for clarification and explanation related to the disturbing video of that society. Similarly pronounced 'Kabareskrim Police' Komjen Ito Sumardi PTIK House, South Jakarta, Wednesday (06/09/2010).

Schedule of examination on the third artist was still not certain. "This week we check them," said Ito. (Ang) translation

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