
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adjie Massaid Ask Media to Sensor News Videos Ariel

JAKARTA - Circulation Ariel porn video share impact on the lives of Angelina Sondakh, Adjie Massaid and children. Today, Angie and Adjie compact supervise children while exploring the virtual world.

"The kids we always keep an eye on in terms of Internet surfing, reading and television. If the problem can still watch us, but we can not get to avoid the media. For all my morning, Angie, and children are always gathering and exchanging ideas. I always read the newspaper every morning, "said Adjie, met in Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (01/07/2010).

Adjie deplore mass media that is too vulgar terms of title selection and display images.

"Why would I spare the media? As a media, newspapers, does not limit the title in writing, and that's the danger. The children did not dare ask, but a sense of worry that there must be. For me, the problem of sensors that must be spoken. Not only about the movies and soap operas, but news should also be censored. Since this talk of human resources to be maintained, "explained a member of this council.

Meanwhile, Angie was reluctant to comment much about the preaching of the bombastic Ariel porn video. "Better we meet at DPR just, because if I have commented, it means that I had raised this news," said Angie. (Ang)

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