JAKARTA - The mystery why Luna Maya was not arrested began unfolding one by one. One of them, it was revealed that investigators worry if Luna Maya was arrested at Police Headquarters, she would repeat such actions in a porn video.
"Is not no need to hold. At Police Headquarters there is a special prison for women, but not our fears. The reason people are afraid to eliminate retained evidence, escape, and we feared is the third reason is to repeat the act again," explained one investigator Bareskrim Police Headquarters, who would not be named, at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Thursday (22/07/2010).
Because that's required to report to police wearing Luna Maya every Monday and Thursday. While Cut Tari, are required to report because she's confession, as revealed by its legal counsel, Hotman Paris.
The reason for this can be justified, given some time ago circulated photographs Luna Maya and 'Ariel' is embraced within the prison, when to visit Ariel.
Currently the police are currently the focus to finish the case files with a suspect case porn videos Nazriel Irham aka Ariel. The reason is the fate of Luna Maya and Cut Tari, subject to completion of Ariel's case file.
"We'll take care of Ariel's first file. Why do we have to deal with file and Cut Luna Tari? Because it is Ariel's important, he is the highest priority. We make sure first, if Ariel is not the goal, how these two woman," the investigator said. (Ang)
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