Tomorrow FP Rock ‘n’ Rock Chang Marathon and Half Marathon in Arizona, the All-Star Marathon Team and will celebrate reaching 1 million in funds raised, 11 years to the day after running his first event in Bermuda. Twenty-six members of the team will line Sunday morning, taking to the streets of Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe.
It’sa lot of fun.”
Phil Renaud Brimfield was also with Sherry’s All-Stars from the start, and his wife, Tammy, and daughter Sarah are working as well. Running for the first time is Austin Rice of Worcester, the nephew of Shepherd’s. People on the team are invited to gather at least 3500 and, and the goal is 5000 per family.
People can sponsor Sherry’s House Marathon All-Star Team by visiting Shepherd said the organization expects to raise and 115,000 to 120,000 and through the Arizona marathon.
Shepherd notes the contributions of the family were not only through participation.
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