
Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan Nuclear Dangers Rise To Level 5

Japan Nuclear Dangers Rise To Level 5 - The Japanese government raised the level of nuclear radiation hazards to a level of five due to damage to Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Fukushima. The same level ever happened in Three Mile Island accident in 1979.

As reported by NHK, Japan's Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency has evaluated the level of severity of disasters and raise the level of radiation scale to level 5 by the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (Ines).

Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency
said that the reason for raising this level because more than 3 percent of the damaged nuclear fuel and radioactive material leaked from the factory.

Level 5 is the highest third of the maximum level of 8 scales in Ines and the worst nuclear accident ever happened in Japan for this.

According to the Tokyo Embassy website, nuclear experts describe the scale of 5 occurs due to melting of fuel in the reactor core. Previously reactor accident in Fukushima Units 1 to 4 are included in the scale of 4 in Ines, or the scope of the accident was still being around Fukushima nuclear power plant. Worst accident at the Chernobyl incident is included in the scale of 7. (umi)

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