
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Bad effects of cigarettes are not only harmful to the smoker. As many as 70 percent of nonsmokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke have adverse effects. However, smokers often very difficult to escape from habits that are harmful to health.
Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Never too late to stop smoking. Whatever your current age, trying to stop smoking can be very beneficial to your health and those around you.

So, you need to know what are the advantages to be gained if you manage to stop the occurrence of nicotine addiction.

"20 minutes you stop smoking can be very useful for health. So it's never too late to quit smoking, "said Director of Sahid Sahirman Operator Memorial Hospital, Drg Yusrahma Nurina, MARS during the opening ceremony of the Stop Smoking Clinic in his office, Wednesday, July 12, 2011.

Physicians who akrap greeted Dr. Rina is also revealed to quit smoking for health benefits.

1. Quit smoking 20 minutes, blood pressure, heart rate, and improved peripheral blood flow

2. Two hours of quitting, carbon monoxide levels in blood return to normal

3. During 48 hours of quitting smoking, will improve the system of blood flow, and cardiac function improved

4. Two to 12 weeks of quitting smoking, nicotine is eliminated from the body system, sense of taste and smell improves

5. One to nine months to stop smoking, shortness of breath (shortness) and coughing decreases

6. One year quit smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced, by half compared with smokers.

7. Ten years of quitting, the risk of lung cancer by half compared to smokers

8. During 15 years of quitting, the risk of heart attack and stroke down to a level similar to that of nonsmokers

The role of doctors and medical experts is important to ask about smoking status, educating and helping patients to quit smoking. This is very helpful for addicts eliminate cigarette habit.

Cardiovascular Specialist, Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), FJCC, FIHA, FasCC, uncover, one premature death can be avoided if two smokers are encouraged and assisted to quit smoking.

"To that end, the role of medical personnel perofesional is needed to help smokers off nicotine addiction," he said.

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