Bill Gates Admits Ultimate Effects of Steve Jobs | One of the founders of Apple, Steve Jobs, who dies at the age of 56 years, on Wednesday (10/05/2011), is widely known throughout the world because of the influence on the development of technological innovation.
Recognition was presented bosses Microsoft "Bill Gates", expressing profound grief as an expression of condolence to the departure of Steve Jobs. "I met Steve almost 30 years ago. We have been a colleague as well as friends of the competitors by more than half our age," said Bill Gates.
"The world rarely have a figure with so much influence as owned by" Steve "so it will still be remembered from generation to generation in some future generation," said Bill Gates in a statement.
"Those who are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him would remember that occasion as a very great honor. I really miss Steve," added Bill Gates.
Friendship Jobs and Gates have been passed by both competition, when Microsoft tried to make the power to defeat competitors. Apple had collapsed with its performance before climbing back to the heyday through a number of products, such as iPod, iPhone and iPad.
In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in 1994, Jobs once said: "If anyone asks me about my opinion on the success of Bill Gates for getting rid of innovation that we have, this is what I would say, my life purpose is not to be the richest man in the hole grave. It's not my purpose in life ".
Jobs said to him that still appreciate the rivalry with Bill Gates as a positive thing because it is needed to develop themselves as age at the birth weight.
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