Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, must win about 40 percent of female voters to have a chance at beating Obama, and he's targeting married women and mothers who tend to be more conservative. Among this group, Ann Romney is popular and has been the candidate's chief surrogate on how the struggling economy has affected women and families.
Rosen apologized late Thursday, after first lady Michelle Obama tweeted her own support for women and mothers.
Ann Romney fought back on Twitter and television, tweeting: "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys.
Your job is a forever job that's going to bring forever happiness,'" Ann Romney said. "Mitt respects women that make those different choices."
A party official said the services were provided by former Obama adviser Anita Dunn, another managing director at the firm.
Solurrce: csmonitor
Technorati Tags: hilary rosen, pedigree, rosen, allen west, michelle obama
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