
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Latest and most advanced Computer Virus

Latest and most advanced Computer Virus | recently found a malware is very sophisticated and have a large file size has been found to infect a computer system in the countries of the Middle Eastern country that is Iran, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria.

Malware is named "Flame" by the founder of Kaspersky Lab, Flame itself has the spy functionality of data theft by various means and methods of deployment are controlled.

Flame is the attack toolkit that combines the properties of backdoors, trojans, and worms that can replicate itself over a network and an external media if instructed by the manufacturer.

Once inside the computer, this malware can execute a series of espionage and theft of data, including record keyboard keystrokes, user through a microphone to record conversations, and taking screenshots if there are specific applications being run, such as instant messenger and Outlook.

Flame ways to infect your computer is still not known exactly, that sure is through a security gap in the operating system.

Flame has many modules that can achieve the total size of 20 megabytes, a number of very large compared to most modern malware is usually only reaches a count of kilobytes.

This Virus is a very complex so it is very difficult for the antivirus to remove it. because of this terrible virus, a new presence in the virtual world found recently, but this malware already in circulation in the prediction last 2 years ie in 2010.

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