
Thursday, June 28, 2012

World Sea, Start Changed Being Dead Zone

London - A human life is closely related to the ocean. Feed humans and marine recreational pleasure. But now in the 21st century, the future of endangered marine catastrophe.

World Sea, Start Changed Being Dead Zone

According to the BBC Blue Planet consultant Professor Callum Roberts, from whales to plankton, the vitality of the ocean is in serious danger. Over the past 30 years, three quarters of the world's marine megafauna disappeared and a quarter of dead coral.

In northern Europe, the fish stock is reduced by 99%. European Commission warns, the species of cod, hake and mackerel will disappear within a decade.

"Sea change dramatically the last 30 years in all human history. In 40-50 years, the sea will become a dead zone that no living creature in it, "he said.

Trawler, electric nets and nets are more likely to become the source of the threat.

"To prevent this, we can begin to eat only fish that can be sustained. Started to recycle plastic and reduce the use of phosphates, "he said, as quoted by the DM. []

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