JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Defendant ownership seven ecstasy pills and three grains of Happy Five (Halima), FTV star Jenifer Dunn, deemed unworthy by her legal innocence, Yuyun Wahyuniati, SH. According to Yuyun, many claims are not proven in court.
"We assess the Public Prosecutor has put aside a sense of justice," said Yuni when reading the defense of his client in the West Jakarta District Court on Monday (22/3/2010).
However, Joey did not dismiss that Jenifer dunn was proven to save both types of these illicit goods. "In fact the trial the defendant was proven to save seven points behind ecstasy and three points at Five Happy, but the Public Prosecutor to forget how the defendant got out of the witness Asep," said Yuni.
On the basis of the same reasons, Yuni said Jenifer sued mind if severe penalties. "It would be unfair if the defendant kept severely punished. In this case the defendant was not proven to consume or sell, as required," she said.
Yuni continued, "Defendant Jenifer Dunn received only free from witnesses Asep. After that defendant scared and did not know what to do, so that the defendant intended to return it. However, Asep is always difficult to be reached, so the defendant confused mix of fear," said Yuni.
Furthermore, in defense of his client, "Yuni" said she sniffed a trapping plan made by Asep. "In terms of chronology, the defendant may set up by Asep, considering the defendant is an easy artist to use illicit goods circulate among artists. Moreover, Hasan Munawar that know by Asep has been arrested twice in the same case," said Yuni.**entertainment.kompas.com**
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