"Sekarang lagi tembam dan gemuk banget," she said when met at the sidelines Syahrini dance training at United Dance Works, Jalan Bangka XI, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Thursday (21/10/2010). Syahrini practicing dance since soon will release a second solo album. In addition to long never danced, obesity factor making dance movements Syahrini invisible flexible.
Every time gig out of town, singer song "Jangan Memilih Aku" this can never refuse the offer to eat. "Kalau lagi nyanyi di luar kota pasti makan terus setiap malam. Suka disediain makanan dan selalu aku lahap semuanya," says a fan of durian and crab sauce plain. "Pas makan seneng banget, eh nurunin berat badannya setengah mati," said Syahrini laugh.
Recently, singer from Bogor, West Java, it is often the stage wearing a somewhat loose for body fat was not visible. "It's like wearing a baggy-baggy because baseball comfortable with obesity. Let me look fat baseball," said Syahrini who want her weight to 45 kg of it.
Besides hooked eating, growing fat on the body Syahrini messenger Anand. "Fat is not told to Mas Anang. He was glad when my body fattened," said Syahrini shyly. However, ex-husband singer Kris Kristofferson will be disappointed because it seemed Syahrini are trying to lose weight. (Kin)
Heheh.. blog saya masih dikit juga sebenarnya..... yang saya lakukan hanya update sesering mungkin.... dan exchange link dengan blog2 yang sama atau hampir sama....cari artikel yang lagi ngetop..:)