Conversely, problems in the neck can also cause other parts of the body experiencing pain, such as the upper back, shoulders or arms.
For many studies, Stress is factors which become one of the causes. If the nerve is also involved in the symptoms of pain in the neck, will feel numb, tingling or weakness in arms or legs.
Presumably, you do not want to have it right? Well, here are some instant therapy can prevent pain in the neck.
4 Easy Therapy To Overcome Neck Pain
1. Take a break while working or driving. Try to keep your head aligned with spine. That would make you relax.
2. Choose a pillow and the correct sleeping position. Try to sleep in a supine position and pillows are comfortable and not too high.
3. Avoid sitting in one position too long. Get up and walk around to stretch your muscles. Pull your shoulder blades together to keep you from a stiff neck.
4. While working at the computer make sure that the monitor is eye level with view. Adjust the seat height so as to make the position of the knee is slightly below the hips.
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