Google commemorates the birth of Robert Noyce, Intel co-founder and inventor of the integrated circuit, which gave birth to a microchip. Noyce findings, along with Jack Kilby, who later gave birth to this personal computer revolution.
Therefore, to commemorate the work of Noyce, Google put up a picture doodle chip on the main page of its search engine.
Noyce was born on December 12, 1927 in Iowa is one of the founders of Fairchild Semiconductor in 1957 and leading chip company, Intel, in 1968. With the development of the chip industry, the technology industry was developing in one area in California.
Later, the area became known as Silicon Valley. Thanks to this technological world Noyce Noyce earned the nickname: The mayor of Silicon Valley.
Graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology who also holds patents on a number of discoveries about the structure and semiconductor devices.
Noyce died in 1990 in Austin, Texas, at age 60. His family was later established Noyce Foundation, the foundation's development of teaching math, science, and literacy in U.S. schools.
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