Michael phelps | Amy winehouse Death

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Michael phelps - Human Fish sighting alert! 14-time Olympic Gold Medalist and confirmed party bro Michael Phelps arrived at Shanghai's Pudong International Airport yesterday.
michael phelps
Michael Phelps posted a celebratory meta-tweet from his Blackberry at approximately 8:30pm Beijing standard time yesterday, declaring "Weeeee twitter DOES work!!!", allaying his fears that he'd be unable to relay his hourly musings to the world whilst in China.

Michael Phelps
is predicting the long world record drought in swimming will come to an end this month at the world championships in Shanghai, and he is best qualified to know.

Swimming's world record drought has reached 18 months in the Olympic-size 50-meter pool since the ban on rubberized suits at the beginning of 2010.
"There are a lot of people swimming faster now than they did in the suit. A lot of newer names that are swimming fast."

Competition Schedule

All listed dates are for month of July, and all competition times for all heats begin at 9am (ending at 11:30am on most days), all competition times for semifinals and finals begin at 6pm (ending at a variety of times, ranging from 8pm-8:30pm).

All individual event heats and semifinals occur on the same day, with finals occurring the following day.


200m freestyle (heats and semifinals on 25th, finals on 26th)
200m butterfly (heats and semifinals on 26th, finals on 27th)
200m medley (heats and semifinals on 27th, finals on 28th)
100m butterfly (heats and semifinals on 29th, finals on 30th)

4x100m freestyle (heats and finals on 24th)
4x200m freestyle (heats and finals on 29th)
4x100m medley (heats and finals on 31st)

Competition Venue

Indoor Stadium @ Oriental Sports Center (东方体育中心) // 168 Jiyang Lu (济阳路168号), Pudong // Metro stop: Oriental Sports Center station, Line 6 & 8 (东方体育中心站)



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