Maraden Alim Wicaksono, representing NGOs, led by lawyer Hajar "Farhat Abbas", requested that the hearing be held openly Ariel. "We ask the court held Ariel openly let people know as clearly as possible," said Maraden in the District Court Bandung (Bandung PN). "This is to create a learning community. The case was carried out by non-ordinary people and extraordinary impact. The victims are not just one or two, but the wider community," he continued.
According Maraden, NGO Hajar would not intervene to follow the trial Ariel and would not intervene. They handed over all things entirely to the trial judges. Even so, they want the law enforced on those who damage the nation's morals.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Shura Council of the Islamic Front for the People of West Java Ilham Firdaus asks Ariel does not pollute the city of Bandung as the religious. "We will brush out pornoaction and pornography. It's not just for Ariel, but also others, who tried to destroy the city of Bandung as agamais city," he said. "We will not take action anarchy, but it reminds Ariel that changed, not so evil," he continued.
However, Ilham regret that the band Ariel, which is known by the name of Peter and not change its name, the vacuum without Ariel. He hopes the group will still move forward without Ariel.
In PN Bandung, outside the courtroom Ariel, other than the parties NGO Hajar and the Shura Council Front Muslims of West Java, there are also a number of personnel Pemuda Pancasila.
Technorati Tags: Ariel peterpan, indonesia music, peterporn, nazril ilham
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