Venus williams short dress | Venus Williams

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Venus Williams Short Dress: When Does It Cross A Line?

There would have been a lot more less to wonder about had Venus worn the nude shorts that she intended to wear under the dress. Williams designed the dress herself and faced some questions about it after her match.

A lot of the focus of the dress is the zipper."

While we learn season after season that despite their tremendous statistics and achievements, athletes are not necessarily the most appropriate role models (Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Michael Vicks, Alex Rodriguez, Brett Favre, Michael Phelps and LeBron James, anyone?) for kids. What if the egregious offense is a skirt so short it’s barely discernable from a shirt that, say, your young daughter might ask you if she can wear, too?

Venus Williams considers herself somewhat of a fashion maven. At the U.S. Open in New York last fall, she wore a pink tank dress with fireworks exploding all over it. The thing is, Venus Williams actually does have some fashion credentials.


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