The following are collection of video tapes of Anggodo conversations with various parties.
1. Opening Audio by Prof. Mahfud MD (205 kB) Download Free
Description: Not the contents of the tape intercepts
Duration: 1 minute 9 seconds
2. Conversation of Settlement Masaro Case by Anggodo (1.7 MB) Download (1.7 MB)
Description: Anggodo conversation with former Attorney General Jamintel Wisnu Subroto and various parties. This part discusses conversation and conversational Antasari to BAP Muliadi Ari cases in accordance with the chronological. Here, also called the alliance Susno Duadji - Wisnu Subroto, who met Anggoro Widjaja in Singapore.
Duration: 9 minutes 43 seconds
3. Breakdown of Costs for the Bribery Commission by Anggodo via Ari Muliadi. (1.4 MB) Download 1.4 MB)
Description: In this conversation, names Susno Duadji was mentioned. From this environment, mention the name Kabareskrim Komjen Susno Duadji and a number of names of investigators, namely Benny, Parman, Gupu, and Dik Dik. Last name synonymous with the name of Inspector General Wakabareskrim Dik Dik Mulyana.
Duration: 8 minutes 13 seconds
4. Profiteering name SBY (2.4 Mb) Download 2.4 MB
Description: The transcript records, one of the contents of the conversation is the name of the Republic of Indonesia 1, also conducted between the Anggodo with Juliana Ong.
Duration: 13 minutes 52 seconds
5. Ask the Attorney General Assistance (1.6 Mb) Download 1.6MB
Duration: 9 minutes 13 seconds
6. Request Help LPSK (Institute of Witnesses and Victims Protection) (2.0 Mb) Download 2.0 MB
Description: One of the content of the conversation have revealed the speaker Anggodo (xxx) worried her phone was tapped and asked Anggodo to use the new numbers. In addition, there are also conversations with LPSK people, Pak Ketut and a number of other parties.
Anggodo: “Ini nomor handphone saya tolong direkam (simpan) lagi pak. Perintah Pak.”
XXX : “Takutnya kita disadap pak. Lebih baik apa namanya, saya mau bapak buat nomor telepon baru dan saya cari nomor telepon baru.
Duration: 11 minutes 31 seconds
7.1. Report win the case 'while'/opening (74 Kb) Download 74 KB
7.2. Report 'victory' and create a threat for Chandra M Hamzah (424 Kb) Download (424 kb)
Anggodo : Cepetan email-en 0-1. Menang kita, tersangka sudah ditahan…..Yo wis mulai sesok nomore anyar kabeh. (pembuka)
Anggodo : Ternyata Truno 3 komitmennya tinggi sama saya. (Truno 3 = Kabareskrim Susno Duadji)
Lelaki : O, gitu bos yo.
Anggodo : Lho, kan wis mlebu bos (Lho, kan sudah masuk bos).
Lelaki : Iyo toh.
Anggodo : Gak dilebokno tapi wis TSK, saiki nonaktif. Tapi gak gathuk koncone kene situk. (Enggak dimasukkan, tapi sudah jadi tersangka. Sekarang nonaktif. Tapi, teman kita satu kena).
Lelaki : OC.
Anggodo : Dudu, Bibit. (Bukan, Bibit).
Lelaki : O, iku ternyata kene. (O, itu ternyata (teman) kita).
Anggodo : Lek iku kan jek kancane kene bos, tapi nek situk Chandra sesuk dilebokno malah tak pateni neng njero. (Lha, itu kan sebenernya temen kita sendiri Bos, tapi kalau besok Chandra yang dimasukin malah saya bunuh di dalam).
Duration : 2 minutes and 25 second
8. Develop Strategy of Bribes to Blackmail (5.1 MB)
Description: In this recording is played with a conversation between Anggodo with the alleged Kosasih, between Anggodo with one of the alleged Director of PT. Masaro Putranefo, between Anggodo with "someone", between Anggodo with alleged Bonaran Situmeang legal representative for a strategy of bribery to extortion.
Duration: 29 minutes 15 seconds
9. Calculation of fees related parties (2.08 MB)
Description: In this transcript of the tape was played conversations between Anggodo with suspected (Alex) he is (Lawyer), between Anggodo with "someone", and between Anggodo with the alleged Bonaran Situmeang, concerning the calculation of related-party fee.
Duration: 11 minutes 48 seconds
10. To affect Ari Muliadi (AM) back to the beginning of the BAP. (can not link)
Description: --
Duration: --
Note: there are some parts of this file is truncated.
Thank you to all the parties, the judges of the Constitutional Court, the national figures and the movement of which 1,000,000 Facebookers the struggle of it all, on 3 November 2009 night, Pak Bibit Samad Rianto and Mr. Chandra M Hamzah was released from the detention center Kelapa Dua.
Note: the status of Bibit Samad rianto and Chandra still suspect.
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kasus KPK, Anggodo POLRi, kejaksaan agung, BIBIT samad dan chandra
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