"Next week they are checked again. Including Cut Tari. It is a further examination," explained Wakadiv Humas Polri Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis, who contacted okezone, Saturday (12/06/2010).
On last Friday, Ariel and Luna came to the headquarters, but have not been inspected since Ariel was sick. "She looked unwell, tired. Hence, he was allowed to go home," he added.
Until now, the status of the top three artists are still as witnesses. "Everything must pass through the inspection process. Moreover, they have not had time to review yesterday," he said.
Their calls are related circulatory two similar porn videos Luna Maya and Ariel., Is also a video nasty like Ariel and Cut Tari. Two video 'Ariel-Luna' duration of 6 minutes and two minutes.
Meanwhile, the video 'Ariel - Cut Tari' duration is longer, ie 8 minutes. The picture quality on video 'Ariel-Cut Tari' is also more clear and clean than the video 'Ariel-Luna' which tends to dim. (Ang)[http://celebrity.okezone.com]
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