"What is certain Dahsyat be disappointed (if Luna suspects). If it will like that, it would work a maximum of police," said Dahsyat producers Okay John who met in the parking lot of MNC Tower, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday ( 06/30/2010).
That's probably the bitterest fate of Luna in the Dahsyat. What if one day Luna was not a suspect and eventually released? Oke not guarantee that Luna will directly mounted again in the Dahsyat with Olga Syahputra and Raffi Ahmad. These are noteworthy for the Dahsyat, Raffi, Olga and Luna was known as the rolls.
"To return to the dahsyat, it depends at dahsyat management. It was not me who decide. So not impressed we keep Luna Maya, but now we wait before the police," he asserted.
Since Luna snagged case porn videos with her boyfriend, Ariel, and also Cut Tari, Luna is no longer appearing on the Powerful. Replaced by Astrid Tiar.
"Astrid Tiar not (presenter) permanently, but his status replaces the Luna Maya is still on leave because the case. If we artists go on leave, yes we love. But I have very strong reasons," said Oke. (Ang)
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