JAKARTA-Search for players like Ariel porn video spreader, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari still ongoing. Known, the perpetrators of these porn videos spreading on Wednesday, June 2nd.
"The first time it was uploaded from Bandung, hold on to throw the 'forum journalist'. That reporters from major newspapers, national newspapers. Uploaded on June 2, "said IT expert Roy Suryo told reporters at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (16/06/2010).
Roy went on, these videos are uploaded in Bandung and directed to the large media community. Kaskus, You Tube. Cut Tari on Youtube, (the perpetrators) a person residing in Bandung, "he asserted.
Members of this Parliament suspect police already know who did it, but do not want to be careless in the act. "That we respect, I've handed out of it to the police," he explained.
Previously Public Relations Kemenkominfo revealed, the perpetrator who spread the videos Ariel is two people. Performers upload videos from Sulawesi and West Java. However, they do not want to elaborate on what city. They handed it to police. (Uky)
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