"I'm sorry to see him. When at the top, revered, but now and then err, blasphemed. Be steadfast, because he was victim of a mistake. Please Indonesian people to accept this mistake," said Moldy encountered in the parking lot of MNC Tower, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (30/06/2010).
Because of cases of 'Ariel', the album as well as the new name of Peter which was originally to be released in July had been postponed. Moldy regret the resignation of the album's release schedule.
"It's unfortunate. Well he (Ariel) coloring of the works of Indonesian music, but do not be associated with his blunder. Work is work. Not affected by ugliness. He remained shining until now," said Moldy wise.
Personally, Moldy are fans Ariel. He confessed, often inspired by the work of Ariel and his band's music.
"Looking at Ariel works really good, brilliant all. I'm also a fan. I'm inspired by the music, the character of his voice, lyrics okay all. He's good and the lyrics of the song there is no invitation to the public to do anything like that rumored today," she says .
Moldy actually want to see Ariel at Police Headquarters jail cell. Only, he did not see any empty time to travel to Headquarters. "Really want (tomorrow), but a matter of time that must be adjusted aja. The first important prayer yes. Though far away, but it's close to our heart," he said smiling.
From Ariel's case, the Moldy learned the lesson of its own. What is it?
"Try to stay away from trouble because of baseball there is any problem certain issues keep coming," he advised. (Ang)
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