Black hole is a region of space that can swallow gas, dust, stars, planets, and other celestial objects that exist in a galaxy. Its gravitational pull is very strong. A planet passing in the vicinity will not survive the suction hole.
There is actually a theory which states, the suction power of a black hole can be weakened and then he would go into a phase of sleep, stop eating celestial body. According to George Helou, from NASA's Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology, a black hole in our galaxy is currently in a phase of sleep.
Black hole called Sagittarius A is located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Scherbakov, astronomers from the Harvard Center for Astrophysics said the black hole at the Milky Way takes only 0.01% of stars around him.
But now researchers also discovered a fact, black holes constantly evolving, so that they can be active again someday. The more he swallowed a star, the sooner the process of evolution.
According to data obtained from space telescopes, over the last few years, a growing number of black holes swallowing celestial body. In addition, it is said that the more he sucked celestial body, the greater the power sedotnya. This is because an increase in ionic elements in it.
But not only evolved, later also known black holes that exist in different galaxies are also joined to each other. Various celestial body that goes into the black hole contains a lot of energy in large quantities.
So that the combined black antarlubang course also increases the amount of energy it has. This energy can control the flow in and out of gas and dust out of the hole.
Not only the dust and gas, astronomers believe that a black hole sucking too much release of X-rays and radioactive waves. But the number of X-ray radiation they observe can not be explained. What is clear, everything that affects the development of galaxies where the black hole is located.
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